Today's featured artist is Coby Gerstner (
Coby is an old friend who is now a member of the Chewy Tomato team.
He has major writing and marketing skills, and as you can see.... he can also draw a face!
Coby, BooBoo, Tyler, and Jamie (my little brother, also on the Chewy Tomato team) all have a wacko/unique face drawing skill that you will have to see more of. Such simple little drawings, can pack in a ton of personality!
Another thing about Coby, is his gift for NAMING FACES! ...I like to call this "the Andrew Swift Gift" (Andrew Swift is an old friend of mine who stayed up late with my little brother and I the night before he entered the MTC in provo to leave on his two year mission. That night, after a session of yahoo voice chat freestyle rapping, Swift began to name the faces that showed up on HOTorNOT.com ....Literally EVERY name he chose was perfect to the point of tears shed in laughter).... Anyways, I'm pretty sure coby has this gift, so pay close attention to his naming skills.